Its Been A While…

After 6 years, I’m making a comeback!

A lot has happened since the last post, just 6 years to be specific! To catch up, I lost my oldest son tragically in 2017, went through it ALL with my closest relationships, oh, and sprinkle in a little global pandemic somewhere in there.

All the hard stuff that life likes to send unsolicited – we did ALL that! We got through it! Not unscathed, but I prefer to give credit where due, and I believe being here now is testimony to incredible strength and resilience. Not everyone got out of the last 6 years alive.

What’s in the Hopper?

Ok so maybe working at a manufacturing company for the last decade in a half has hijacked my vocabulary, BUT the good news is its time for that to change!

Currently, I am going through a major life transition. I left my corporate job of 16 years to go do… What? What am I doing again exactly? That’s right, I left my solid, stable, decent – not high by todays standards – income job to do the unknown.

I’m sure you might be wondering… WHY? Perhaps the full answer deserves it’s own post. The short answer is that I realized it wasn’t a good fit anymore, and that I was wasting time staying in the wrong role. The reason I left for the unknown, was because time mattered, and I could not stay another day feeling as terrible as I did working in the wrong field. It really wasn’t worth the pay or the benefits in the end. I walk away with the lesson of, it was the right place & right time – until it wasn’t.

I have too many passions and ideas!

This plagues me with inaction. I take lots of notes to record the ideas. I even spend time trying to bake them out and think through how I can make them a reality. This is also a little vetting process. Usually I wind up with a nice thumbnail version of a business strategy. Most of my ideas are businesses. I don’t know why. When I was young I never thought I would want to be a “business woman”. Sounded daunting and awful. But as an adult, I’m like B—- let me slay all day PLEASE!

It’s worth noting that I’m still trying to arrive on rather I’m merely in love with the idea while dreading the execution or if I’m in for the full package.

So what to do with all these ideas? Start somewhere.

Taking the first step = not having to know all the answers!

This is such an important lesson, and one I am still grappling with.

Now if you really want to have success, I’ve learned that you need to get good at being bad. Seriously, get good at losing and failing to the point where it is no longer something you fear but something you expect. It doesn’t hold you back from success, it propels you forward into the next iteration of betterment. This is where goods start getting delivered. Rather its a product or service (in business) or even just a task or skill or thing you gotta do.

I’ve weighed out my options, and here is what I am in for.

  • Freelance writing in various forms
  • Design & Merch retail store
  • Music, Audio, Video composer and technician

These are my passions, and my potent abilities. Before I can really spread my wings, I have to dust them off and clean them up.

This means, instead of hitting the ground running, I am working as an independent contractor or freelance worker for supplemental income while I sharpen my pencil and get masterful with my passions.

I realized life is too short to waste it on the wrong things. Its too short to ignore your instincts! No matter how scary, when your instincts show up with a sense of urgency… I find it paralyzing to ignore them.

I am spending time working on all the things I feel I’ve missed by being too busy, or by caught up in a narrative that didn’t support my own. Now that I’m flushing out old information that no longer serves my highest path of service, I am feeling lighter, more free, and a lot calmer! Which is odd because this transition period is truly terrifying. Yet this terrible feeling of not knowing what will come next is actually octaves calmer than sticking with the old program. So the jury’s in! Best decision I ever made!!!

Stay tuned for more posts. Now that I’m back, I’m committed to writing more than ever. So much of the world has changed and will continue to evolve. We need to share ideas and keep ourselves updated!

Interested in a specific topic? Leave me a note in the comments.

Thank you! 🙂

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